What is Sound?
Sound is vibration. Sound travels in waves. All things vibrate, including the body, mind and spirit. Different frequencies of vibration make things seem different. Things at the same frequencies seem the same.
What is Resonance?
Things that seem the same are said to resonate and are drawn to each other, like physical substances, energy/radiation at all levels, people and ideas. Similar things, like the same musical notes at different octaves or combinations of notes as in chords, share a resonant relationship which can influence and shape our very lives.
The Sound Matrix
All vibrating things are interconnected and joined together in what I call the Sound Matrix, an all-encompassing web of flowing, living, loving fundamental force which ultimately operates outside of time and the laws of the universe as we know them. Within each person it unites mind, body and spirit.
The Healing flow
Uninterrupted, this flow of force helps your body, like the Earth itself, stay balanced, vibrant, healthy and alive. However, our own fear and lack of awareness like a river dam, can disrupt and mask the flow, causing imbalance, ill-health, destruction and death. Restored, the inner flow allows your body to naturally heal itself, arousing awareness, clarity, strength and balance – the key aim of Sound Attunement self-healing for you.
Humankind’s Unlimited Potential
With balance and listening we can each re-acquaint ourselves with our own mind, body and spirit – the most precious of gifts and the finest of instruments – which without tools can directly receive, interpret, transmit and shape any vibrations, known and unknown, in the universe. We can re-connect to each other. We can ask and draw sustenance from the Creator of all things through the Sound Matrix. And, in that context, there is no limit to what we can achieve.
What is Holding Us Back?
Evidence abounds of the extraordinary things individuals can do. Such people, acknowledged or not, good or bad, can exhibit genius, leadership, fame, riches, power or achievement in almost any sphere of life. So, what holds the rest of us back? Simply, we hold on to what we know and have! We are guided by our own fears, habits, beliefs and conditioning. We often don’t listen to the quiet wisdom and love emanating through our own hearts. We are disconnected and alone.
What Is There To Hold On To?
Is it the tired old systems (internally and externally) built on fear which drain so much of our energies to maintain. Is it a world which does not acknowledge, nurture or encourage each of us to explore and develop our extraordinary abilities or even to think for ourselves and trust our inner voice? Is it our taught dependency on rules, authority figures and a way of thinking (useful but outmoded) that says things must be scientifically proven before they can be believed? What joy is there in being ground down by: those who profit from our ignorance and learned helplessness; the weight of all we have learned and believe; and the endless noisy distractions of life? Is there any reason to tolerate the squandering of Earth’s resources on war, the baubles of product and technology, planned obsolescence and artificial intelligence just to help the few live forever while we with our planet are dying?
Is It Time To Let Go?
We say yes, you can take a first step, here through Sound Attunement.
Then join with others in a Sound Circle for support and to do much more!
Our intention is to help you to let go, reconnect and embrace the sound that we are and build a whole new world together.